
The .callgraph macros generate a directed graph of function calls in the graphviz format. Functions are vertices, while function calls are edges.

Usage Examples

m4s .callgraph | dot -Tpng -o callgraph.png

This image has been cropped to fit the restraints of web formatting. To the right is the IVT and its handlers.

m4s .callgraph.lp

Prints the callgraph in fdp's style, formatted to fit a single US Letter page.

m4s .callgraph.ps

Prints the callgraph in postscript, formatted to fit a single US Letter page.

m4s .callgraph.gv/kgv/xview

Display the callgraph in various viewers.

Note: MSP430 static is a young project under active development. Please forgive any bugs, missing features, and similar growing pains.

